Topic outline


    Full Year. Pass/Fail. This class is not included in GPA calculations.

    Each student will receive a grade in professionalism and citizenship. If a student is failing on any Report Card prior to S2, they will receive a letter outlining what the student needs to accomplish to pass. If the students are failing at the end of the year, they will have to appear before the School Board to remain at MTCHS.

    Grades will be composed of the following:

    • Community Service
    • Professional Dress 
    • Professionalism
  • Activity Days

    Special activity days, including fitness days, are considered both part of the curriculum and mandatory.

    Students who miss an activity day will be required to make up the assignment under the direction of the activities coordinator.

    Activity day grades are based upon participation, effort and attendance.

  • Community Service

    Community service is an activity that benefits our community. MTCHS requires students to perform nine (9) hours of community service each academic year. 

    Students do not receive compensation for community service.  Students will earn hours by completing school-sponsored community service activities and/or student-initiated community service.  School-sponsored community service is an activity that is sponsored by MTCHS or one of the MTCHS organizations and appears on the MTCHS Community Service List. Refer to some of those activities listed below.

    The MTCHS sponsor of each activity will have a sign-in sheet for participants at the activity which will be used to track community service hours. Copies of these sheets will be submitted to Andrew Pence, activities coordinator. Students wishing to perform community service that is not school sponsored must have the activity approved by Andrew Pence.

      • You need (9) hours total for the year.
      • (4) hours 1st Semester ends December 17
      • (5) hours 2nd Semester May 20
      • Print as many Logs as you need.
      • 1 hour = 10pts/ 9 hours= 90pts

      • Student must complete 30 hours total 15 per semester
      • Please complete this form and return to Mr. Pence
      • All hours will be stored in PowerSchools
      • End of 1st Semester Dec 18th
      • End of 2nd Semester May 1st.
      • Print as many Logs as you need.
      • 1 hour = 3pts/ 30 hours= 90pts

  • Professional Dress & Professionalism

    Professional Dress Days are a part of the goals and mission of this career technical school and are required for all students. Students are expected to dress in professional business attire in ALL RUBRIC CATEGORIES.

    First semester dates are as follows:

      • Friday, October 4
      • Monday, November 11
      • Thursday, December 12

    Second semester dates are:

      • Thursday, January 23
      • Friday, February 7
      • Tuesday, March 4
      • Wednesday, April 9
      • Wednesday, April 23

  • Professionalism

    One component of citizenship and professionalism is professionalism.

  • Grading

    Grading of the Citizenship and Professionalism Grade will be based on the categories of community service, professional dress, activity days, professionalism, and compliance with school policy.

    Students must pass all categories with a 70% in order to pass the class.

    Each grouped category as defined is worth 33.3 % (1/3 of class grade) of the total Citizenship and Professionalism Grade in PowerSchools:

    • Community Service (33.3% or 1/3 of grade) 
    • Professional Dress (33.3% or 1/3 of class grade)
    • Professionalism (33.3% or 1/3 of class grade)