Topic outline

  • College Information

    • Classes at MTCHS that we offer for dual credit and certifications tests that can be paid for by the State of Idaho Funds

  • The first link below is for The Student's Guide to College Scholarship and Grants from Best Colleges is a website that has topics such as Grants vs. Scholarships, Types of Grants, Types of Scholarships, How to Apply, How to Get a Scholarship, and FAQ's.

    Most other links are for scholarship search websites or providers of information about scholarships.  There is also the link for the official Financial Aid website. FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid so if you go to a website that wants a fee you are using the wrong one. 

    Some scholarships applications will ask for a school code or CEEB, AI, or school code. The code for MTCHS is 130392.

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  • Service Academies are colleges within the specified branch of the military. It is recommended that you start the process for applying to attend towards the end of your junior year. Each year in the fall there are information sessions in the Treasure Valley where representatives from the academies provide information about the process and what life is like at a service academy.

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  • SCOIR is a system that MTCHS uses to assist students with finding a good fit between what they are good at and what they enjoy. When students complete the career interest assessment they'll be matched with "Best-Fit Careers". From there they are told to save five that match the focus areas that we teach. They can then look at the saved careers and starting researching college majors and colleges that offer these majors. They can follow colleges, research colleges, schedule online visits or go to the website of the college to find out about "in person" visits. We start this with the freshmen doing the career interest assessment and then having sophomores, juniors, and seniors doing other tasks as necessary for their grade level. Seniors will can also use SCOIR to apply to colleges and request letters of recommendations from teachers. It is a great tracking tool to help students organize and track their post secondary choices and applications. It is also a great tracking tool for the counselor and a more efficient way to send the required documents to the colleges the students have applied to.

    This is the link students will use for SCOIR. They created their account as a freshman. We recommend that they invite their parent(s) to see their account for discussion purposes.

    Below is the link to a video 

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  • Once you have graduated, please use this link to request a transcript either for yourself or to be sent somewhere else.